Free Online Virus Scan - Online virus scanner, for free, offered by Computer Associates, the makers of E-Z Trust Anti-Virus. The best Virus program on the market (as quoted by (When you click on this link, you will be asked to download the programs. To complete the scan you must download these files and follow the instructions on the screen.)
My publisher's website. - The best site for freeware on the internet!
Irfanview Viewer! (Best Freeware Image Viewer!) -View images, flash, video etc!
Disk Cleaner! - A freeware tool that cleans some hidden files in your Windows OS! You can also configure the files you want to clean! (Latest version with all plug-ins; updated 12/05/03)
MailWasher! - STOP SPAM!! Use this handy little tool to "check" e-mail messages before you download them! Lets you send a "bounced e-mail" note to spammers! Very useful!! Stop spam, viruses and e-mail from unwanted senders and much more! (Adware, but a donation gets rid of the ad.) Also, there is a full-scale "pay" version, MailWasher Pro. here
PC World Utilities Page! - A page devoted to helpful utilities, like this one!
Gibson Research Corporation! - A great site for information about spyware, free programs, purchase programs and overall discussions on technology on the web!
Fun Links!
(Remember, these are only for fun! Don't take them too seriously!)
BK Guy Web Site! - The web site that started the BK Guy Christmas craze!!!!