Welcome to the 2009 Boger City Optimist
11-12 year old All Stars web site!


  • Guys, a tough, tough tournament. We played hard, and we lost. It happens. I am still proud of ALL of you and am glad that I had the chance to work with you for a couple of weeks. Thanks again, and good luck in your future.

  • Justin's surgery went well Wednesday, he came out of it wondering when they were going to get something to eat!!!! I believe it's 4-6 weeks in a cast, if alls ok after that, surgery to remove the 2 pins they put in Wednesday. Keep him in your thoughts.

  • On a less than happy note, Daniel had another X-ray today that revealed 3 fractures!!! They immediately ordered an MRI to make sure that there wasn't more damage that they missed. I will keep you updated as we hear more.

  • The last I heard, West Lincoln was out of the tournament and Kings Mountain and Tryon were left, I think.

  • Sometimes, you may not see the latest additions to the website unless you refresh your page. You can do this easily by hitting the F5 button on your keyboard once you get to the page.

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    -Please look around and let me know if you see anything
    that needs to be changed, improved or removed!
    E-mail me here!