Welcome to the Boger City
Phillies Coach Pitch web site!


  • The trip to Hickory Dickory Dock is on!!!!!! We are having the party this Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 10:00am at Hickory Dickory Dock in Hickory!!! If you need directions, please let me know.

  • The Boger City 7 year old team finished second in the district tournament to Tryon and the 8 year old team finished third to Tryon and West Lincoln. West Lincoln went on to finish second in the state tournament. I hope you folks are as proud of them as I am!!!

  •   The boosters are having a raffle for a chance to win a car!!! We now have tickets available for sale. The tickets are $5.00. Please see me or Mark Ward for more details. Here is a link to the flyer for the Car Raffle:

    Boger City Car Raffle Flyer

    You can download it and pass it out, hang it up at work, church or wherever you can. Thank you for helping.

  • Sometimes, you may not see the latest additions to the website unless you refresh your page. You can do this easily by hitting the F5 button on your keyboard once you get to the page. I have the updates to the Snack page and the Schedule page has the scores and record.

  • I have posted a copy of our schedule that has our scores on the Links page and on the Schedule page for download.

  • I have a copy of the "new" registration form up on the Links page. This is for Spring 2008 registration.

  • There is also a Boger City Optimist Membership Form on the Links page as well, if you are thinking about joining the Optimist Club.

  • Please don't forget to thank our sponsor this season, CEKAL Specialties, a specialty processing chemical company for the textile, paper, and allied industries, in Mt. Holly, NC.

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    -Please look around and let me know if you see anything
    that needs to be changed, improved or removed!
    E-mail me here!